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City Greens

Portland-based City Greens is a small & innovative urban farm that provides our stores with fresh microgreens that are cut to deliver.
Portland-based City Greens is a small & innovative urban farm that provides our stores with fresh microgreens that are cut to deliver. Microgreens are nutrient and flavor packed mini versions of full-grown vegetables. The best part: it’s delivered just hours after harvest. The produce from City Greens doesn’t travel more than 20 miles before it reaches each store, and that means that you’re getting the highest quality greens full of vibrant flavor and packed with nutrition.

City Greens uses innovative technology and indoor controlled environments that allow for optimal growing conditions. The produce can grow in the perfect weather 365 days a year without using herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides.

Try some of these outstanding produce items from City Greens, now in-stores.

  • Broccoli: Fresh & crisp micros with dark green, small leaves & white stems. Very low in calories, high in sulforaphane, and vitamins A, C, and packed with antioxidants
  • Arugula: Purple stems, dark green leaves, spicy arugula flavor. Contains high levels of glucosinolates, vitamin C, and phenols
  • Spicy Mix: Colorful blend of red & green mustards, spicy mustard flavor. High in antioxidants and vitamins A, K, C, and E.
  • Red Rambo: Rich purple leaves & stems with green accents, mild spicy flavor. Beneficial amounts of folate and vitamin B6.
  • Daikon Radish: Light green leaves & white stems with crisp spicy flavor. High in tocopherols, vitamin C, phosphorus, and zinc.
  • Red Garnet Amaranth: Bright fuchsia leaves & stems add mild flavor and vibrant color to any dish. High in phylloquinone, vitamins C, K, E, and carotenoids.
  • Sunflower Shoots: Rounded, bright green leaves with crisp white stems. High in essential amino acids, folate, B complex vitamins, vitamins C & E, and selenium.
  • Pea Shoots & Tendrils: Beautiful, delicate green shoots & tendrils, bright pea flavor. Up to 7 times the amount of vitamin C of blueberries, and 8 times the folic acid of bean sprouts.
  • Purple Kohlarobi: Mild flavor comes in purple stems and green frilly leaves with purple accents. High in vitamins A, B, C, E, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, amino acids, and antioxidants.
  • Tatsoi: Asian green with spoon-shaped leaves and mild flavor. Vitamins A, B, C, E, K, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Up to 25% protein.



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