Created by Lattin’s Country Cider Mill and Farm in Olympia, Washington. This family-run farm was established in 1956 and grows a variety of apples along with other produce, and is home to numerous animals. Each year, they harvest apples at the perfect temperature for peak freshness. Each apple is sorted, cut, and washed by hand to eliminate the potential of any impurities in their cider. Our private label fresh pressed cider is created with a blend of apples, most notably Fuji, Honeycrisp, and Granny Smith varieties. Our apple cider is 100% apple juice with no additives or preservatives.
Apple cider is the perfect drink to cozy up with and is always a holiday crowd pleaser! Check out these fun twists to add a unique spin.
Apple Cider Twists
Hot Mulled Cider-add a variety of mulling spices. We love Urban Accents Mulling Spices made with orange, lemon, star anise, vanilla, and spices.
Chai Spiced Apple Cider-add star anise, cardamom & cinnamon and top with a dollop of whip cream.
Mulled Cranberry Apple Cider-add a splash of cranberry juice and fresh cranberries!
Halloween Cider-try pumpkin purée and maple syrup for a seasonal treat.
Orange Slices-add a few orange slices for a citrusy taste.
Vanilla Orange Apple Cider-add brown sugar, orange juice, cloves, and vanilla. Stir with a cinnamon stick!
Caramel Apple Cider-Add caramel, lemon juice, vanilla bean, cinnamon sticks, and allspice to a slow cooker to create this caramel apple tasting cider. Top with some whipped cream and hot caramel sauce!
Apple Cider Syrup-apple cider, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg
Sparkling Cider-Add sparkling water or ginger beer for spice and fizz.