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Smart Chicken

NEW to our stores, get a taste of great tasting, high quality Smart Chicken.

NEW to our stores, Smart Chicken produces great tasting, high-quality air-chilled chicken.

Available in a variety of cuts, including certified organic products and a lineup of fully cooked uncured chicken sausages. Available in 8 delicious flavors, these sausages heat up quick and are an easy protein to add to your favorite dishes. 

Best known for its air-chilled process, Smart Chicken was the first producer in America to install an air-chill system. Why does air-chilled chicken make a difference? The traditional chilling method in the U.S. has been to use water immersion to cool birds down, adding water weight to the bird, which also alters the texture and flavor of the finished product. Modern air-chill systems often incorporate water to assist in the cooling process. Smart Chicken operates the only USDA Process Verified Pure Air-Chill system in the world, eliminating the use of water as an aid in cooling altogether. 

Smart Chicken is raised and processed with attention to detail every step of the way. Chickens are fed a high-quality diet, humanely handled, and never given antibiotics, hormones, or animal by-products. 


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